Promoting Your Business with Custom Wine

If you own a business, you know that marketing it can be really challenging. How do you set yourself apart from all of the other businesses out there without spending a fortune on tactics that don’t work?

That’s where Personal Wine can help.

Promoting your business on the front of a mini wine bottle is a unique, creative, and attention-grabbing way to get your business’s name out there to the people who need to know what products and services you can offer them.

Just follow these simple steps to set yourself apart with this clever business promotion.


Step 1: Choose the Mini Bottle You Like


We have a great selection of mini bottles of wine so you can choose the one that has the right look and feel for your business. The cost per bottle starts at $3.50, making it an extremely affordable promotional tool. For comparison, a quick internet search will show you that drinking tumblers start at just under $3 and t-shirts start at $4. Those are just baseline prices, and these are products that have already saturated the market. No one needs another t-shirt. Everyone wants a bottle of wine! 


Step 2: Create a Label to Showcase Your Business


Wine is already a unique gift, but adding your business’s logo or slogan to a personalized bottle label to it will set you apart even more from your competition and make it something that will make you memorable to your potential and current clients. Design your own label from scratch or choose from our selection of pre-designed labels that might fit your needs. You can also speak with any of our talented customer service reps who can help point you in the direction of the label that would best suit your business. Don’t forget to add your website and contact info to the label so that your potential customers know how to find you! 


Step 3: Order Enough Cases So That You Don’t Run Out


Your price per bottle is already low, so now is not the time to skimp on the number of bottles that you purchase. Order enough so that you have them on hand for any events coming up in which your business is participating.


Step 4: Give the Wine Away!

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Because it’s alcohol, which obviously has limitations on who can receive it, you do need to be careful deciding on the venues and events where you can distribute the wine. But it’s not hard to find places to give out the wine and drum up your business. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Ask an existing client if you can give the wine away at their holiday party or other corporate event.
  • Set up a booth at a local food and wine festival where you can promote your business with your wine bottles.
  • Give them to current clients as a thank you, adding to the likelihood they’ll use your business again.
  • If you own a brick-and-mortar store, have some on hand to give to new customers as a thank you gift for their first purchase.


The first step to starting a successful business is a great promotional campaign. Set yourself apart from the crowd by using our mini wine bottles as your promotional item!