Ways You Can Use Wine to Say Welcome Home

Home may be where the heart is, but moving your heart from one home to another can be really stressful. The packing, the cleaning, the unpacking, the cleaning, the redecorating, the cleaning. 

There’s a lot going on.

One of the best gifts you can give the new homeowners you know is the gift of relaxation. And what says, “Sit down and relax” better than wine? Here are four ways to think about wine as a way to celebrate a friend’s new home.

Blessing in a Box

There is a beautiful Irish tradition that says to gift new homeowners with bread, salt, and wine. The saying that goes with it is:

Bread, that this house may never know hunger

Salt, that life may always have flavor

Wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever

A wonderful housewarming gift would be a large wooden wine box that’s engraved on the front with this blessing and filled with the three things mentioned in it. Buy a nice salt shaker and an artisan loaf of bread. Then buy any of our regular-sized bottles of wine and personalize it with an etching that says something like, “Best wishes on your new home, est. 2017.” Then put all three items in the wooden wine box and you have an ideal gift for the new homeowners you know. Here are four ways to say "Welcome Home" with wine!


Champagne to Celebrate

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When you want to celebrate a special occasion, champagne is the first thing that comes to mind. Take a look at our large selection of sparkling wine and choose one that your friends will love. Use of our pre-designed labels that celebrates a new home or create your own message for the label. Your friends can use it to have a nice toast to celebrate their new home, and then keep the bottle to decorate their new home. 


Fill the Fridge


If your friends are really wine lovers, they likely have a wine fridge in their new home. Gift them a few bottles of different types of wine to help fill their fridge. Choose any of the wine from our great selection and then create a unique label for each bottle. We suggest using the labels to celebrate the things that new homeowners experience. For example, you could create a label for one bottle that says, “Drink me on your first night in your new home.” Create a label for a second bottle that says, “Drink me at the end of your first home improvement project.” A third label could say, “Drink me when you unpack the last box,” and a fourth “Drink me to celebrate the end of your first year in your new home.” You get the idea – and since you know your friends well, you’ll be able to think of the things that are just right to celebrate for them. 


Don’t Forget the Accessories

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Even the most meticulous packer can’t always remember what’s in each box that the movers bring in. Help your friends out by bringing the accessories along with the wine so that they don’t have to search through countless boxes to enjoy the gift you give them. Check out our available accessories for a corkscrew or a wine stopper. Make sure you give them wine glasses too, so they have something to drink from. Etch the glasses with the date they moved into their new home or a short message like “Congratulations on your new home.” 


Moving is stressful. Giving the gift of wine to the new homeowners you know can help to take the edge off of the stress and let them celebrate the joy of a new home.